Products & Services

The 'Inside Out' Leadership Intensive Virtual VIP Day

This intensive approach is for you if you are a “get it done now” leader, who is dealing with a situation that needs the “now” factor.

You and I will pull away together for this powerful one (1) day, to dig in and resolve a current situation or challenge.  We will cover some foundational leadership insights relevant to the issues at hand and then we’ll work together to get clarity, strategize, and set the plan for the power of “now.” You’ll receive the in-the-moment support you need, and walk away with a new perspective, a clear plan of action, and the confidence to carry it out.

What’s included in your virtual 'Inside Out' Leadership Intensive VIP Day:

  • A 6 hours virtual online 1:1 coaching strategy session
  • Identifying core leadership issue and developing a solution
  • Identifying potential limiting beliefs and mindsets impacting your leadership that might be contributing to this challenge
  • Recording of call/session for you to download and review your learning and help solidify the materials covered, access as often as you need/want (virtual online only);


4000.00 USD